I'm Dr. Adam Sheck, and I'd like to welcome you to the "Men After Fifty" Community! Living for more than half a century on this planet is a rite of passage and I wanted to create a place where we can share our wisdom and experience to help each other and to help those who matter in our lives. As true for many "men after fifty", I've had a number of careers over my … [Read More...]

Dr Sheck,
I am 54 and to be in my fifties means to me that there are no more pain free days. To me, This is natural. I take Ostio Biflex and it has made all the difference in my joints. It means the dating scene can be frustrating and
horrifying both, and getting back in shape does take longer; I concur with you on that. But it is such a time of
wonderment and beauty about everything around you because you have the worldly experience that allows you
to view lifes daily events differently and I mean that in a positive sense. I wake up at 4:00 AM daily which is left over from my military days, but because I don’t want to take time for granted. Too much left to do! The days are long but the years are short… All thebest.
Thanks so much for sharing YOUR experience of being a man after fifty. Yes, I agree, there seem to be more aches and pains and yes, dating is a mixed bag and yes, there is so much more to appreciate and wonder. Thank you for YOUR positive attitude about it all.
Wish you the best,
Adam Sheck
Great thoughts here or should I say questions. As a man of 56 though in excellent health and quite active I have smelled “fall in the air” and have many questions. My son has moved out to college, I work as and teach Nurse Practitioners, and it has struck me that that many of these young adults in their late 20’s possibly view me as a father rather than a peer.
I am still 30-40 in my brain and am struggling with this issue lately in some humorous ways………
any way
I wil post more as time goes on and would be happy to share more.
Thanks so much for joining the MAF Community! You are always welcome to submit a guest blog about “what it means to be a man after fifty” whenever you’d like.
Take care,